Frequently Asked


User Questions

Men and women, based in the United States and Internationally who seek a source of passive income. Some are fans of sports and others not so much, while we make our living investing in sports it is not required that one is a sports fan.

Simply put, we are good at what we do. We have a formula that chooses winning wagers to the tune of 77 percent a month on average. Well above the established 54 percent that is needed to ensure profit. We do not offer a get rich quick scheme, but a steady stream of passive income that can free your time to pursue other things in your life. Imagine a long term source of income that does not require you to drive your vehicle, punch a clock or make deliveries. Did you know that our subscribers who invest only 100 dollars per investment average 1600 dollars in passive income monthly? Check out our Profit-Books page.

Our clients receive one to two wagers a day. There will be some days where there is no wager, we do not send out wagers that do not fit our formula just for the sake of it. The core of our business is to ensure our subscribers ROI , if there is no value there is no wager. On average there will be 20 to 28 investments a month.

We support our clients signing up with,, and We receive no compensation from these sites, we genuinely suggest them because of ease, availability of sports, fast withdrawal and integrity.

To date no one who has followed our 3-step system has yet to end up negative in a monthly period. We have even exceeded our stated goal of 70 percent every month this year. We are confident that if you invest in our selections that you will be profitable. Click here to check out our profit books to see how much passive income you would have obtained with us the previous months. And if that does not convince you, how about our 100 percent MONEYBACK GUARANTEE for first time subscribers to our Monthly package!

You will gain access to our subscriber area that you will login to with your email and everyday there are detailed updates as to the day and time the next investment will be released. Also, you will receive our newsletter on the 5th of every month that contains relevant information to our business, details of our performance the previous month, and what to look forward to the current month.